Winchester SEO Consultant

Organic traffic growth for your business.

SEO is the process of growing traffic to a website via organic, or free, search results.
It is also about beating the competition, not the algorithm.

An Effective SEO Strategy

Not every site needs an SEO Audit – sure, things can get complex on big e-commerce sites, but for 90% of sites out there doing the right things well is the right approach.

Google prefers websites that work well, are easy to navigate and have interesting, unique content.

You can build a ton of links and have the world’s fastest site, but if your content is of low quality you’ll be in trouble.

There are no shortcuts either, cheat and you’ll get found out. The road back is a long one! What does work are these three fundamentals you may have heard of.

Be sure to take a look at myths and misconceptions to see what doesn’t work too.

Three Fundamentals Of Modern SEO

seo three stage process diagram

For any successful SEO campaign, you need to get all three of these factors working together. Note how this is ongoing. SEO isn’t a one-off process.

Technical Optimisation

Getting this piece of the SEO process right is the first step toward better search results. More detailed items covered here are:

  • Indexation & Ease of Crawling
  • Mobile Usability
  • Robots.txt validation
  • XML Sitemap testing
  • Website Speed
  • Core Web Vitals (new from Google)

Off-Page Optimisation

When an SEO talks about “off-page” we tend to mean links to your site – some people refer to these as backlinks. These still play a huge part in Google’s algorithm for ranking purposes and growing the authority of your website. Some of the detailed items I work on here are:

  • Link Profile Assessment
  • Backlink History (for Penalty Analysis)
  • Competitive Analysis
  • New Link Building
  • Backlink Reclamation (mainly due to migration issues)
  • Citation Building For Local Businesses

On-Page/Content Optimisation

If you think of SEO overall as a bowl of soup, the bowl is the structure (technical) and on-page SEO is really the soup itself. You control it and you can make it better by putting in the hard work to improve your content. Some of the aspects covered here are:

  • Keyword Research
  • Internal Linking
  • Metadata Optimisation
  • Correct Use Of Header Tags
  • Image Optimisation
  • Schema Markup
  • User Experience

Improved Client Visibility

Here is one example of organic visibility for a current client over the last 12 months. Visibility can get complicated, essentially this means more keywords are ranking higher for this site on Google.

Organic Visibility Chart Client


Want an increase in traffic like this? Get in touch.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should we work with you?

Location, experience and reliability. First of all, I live and work near Winchester so you’ll be dealing with someone you’ll actually be able to meet and not always at the end of a phone/over Zoom. Clients tell me this matters – and I prefer face-to-face (restrictions permitting of course) as quite often SEO is about working out HOW to get something done rather than WHAT to do.

Next, I’ve been doing this work for over 10 years as an independent consultant and before that in global digital marketing roles at Dell and Nokia. I’ve worked on all types and sizes of websites and at heart, I’m a business person, the same as you.

Lastly, I pride myself on my reliability. If I say something will get done, it will. There’s no delegation or account managers or even an office admin – it’s me you’ll be dealing with.

Why you need a professional SEO agency

Because there are a lot of scammers and low-quality SEO practitioners out there. Do you want to trust your website – which quite often means your business – to one of those? I expect not.

These practitioners often use automated tools and out of date tactics to deliver what they feel to be a professional service. Your inbox is full of these full types of cold-calling emails I expect.

A more professional method builds a customised plan to suit your requirements – both for budget and timescales.

What to look for in an SEO agency

It’s a minefield out there, you need help so you start to search and soon get overwhelmed with Ads and a million results. So, how do you choose?

Talk to them about their previous work and success with clients like yours – either in size or in industry. If they can grow traffic to a company site like yours, you can be confident that they can help you too.

You should also find out which methods the agency uses to deliver its service. Ask what they have done for other customers in your industry – the same strategies should also help you.

Also, be wary of agencies claiming to be “Google Certified”. There is no official Google certification for SEO – there is for PPC but that’s a different ballgame.

What do your packages include?

They don’t include anything – because I don’t offer packages. Each business is different, with different challenges and different competitors (who may or may not be doing a good job of their own SEO).

Thus, each company needs its own plan – which I work with you to build. You might be starting from scratch, migrating from an old site to a new one, or even have had a bad experience with a previous agency.

Those three things need a different approach with differing amounts of time required.

How long does SEO take?

Great question. These days there are 2 main answers.

Quick wins can often be had by enabling search engines to see, understand and index your content more effectively.

Secondly, if it’s more a case of careful optimisation and content improvements then this can take 3-6 months (even longer). The web is big and ever-changing – Google is quick but does need some time to understand your site as things change.

How much does SEO cost?

When thinking about how much to spend, consider how fast you need to see results and how good (or bad) your current traffic is.

SEO is a medium to long-term investment and is usually priced on time. I find most clients need 1-2 days a month – often more at the beginning when the project starts – but there isn’t a hard and fast answer.

This is why packages don’t usually work. For budgeting purposes, think of 5-10% of your company revenue. A study from a trusted US-based agency suggests this is a good number.

Is this right for you? I don’t know – talk to me and we’ll find out. If I can grow your traffic by 20-30% in 12 months, what does that mean to you as a business?

Why does SEO still matter?

Google holds a huge lead in market share for search globally and it’s estimated they process around 60,000 searches a second (!) of which they see 15% of these searches as unique – never seen before, which is mind-boggling to me.

Getting in front of prospective customers and being visible on the SERPs is important to any business.

People tend to search for the answer to a problem, it’s my job to get your website high up for the answer to that problem. Remember too, that many users don’t click Ads, so the Organic results matter.

I've been burned before by an SEO consultant - how are you different?

As discussed above, there are many companies out there delivering a poor and often expensive service.

I’m different as you have complete accountability with me. There’s no delegation, and I have the experience and trust to deliver a superior service.

This doesn’t mean sky-high London agency prices either, most companies I work with spend around £1000/month. If there’s a problem or a question, pick up the phone and I’ll sort it out or explain.

Can you rank me #1 for a keyword?

Possibly! I’ve many good quality keywords bringing good traffic ranking first for my clients.

It’s important to have some perspective though. If you are selling TVs it’s going to be tough to outrank the big players in that market, if not impossible to be honest.

SEO is often about ‘picking the right fights’ and finding good quality search terms that you can rank for. Starting here and moving to the bigger terms as SEO improves is quite often my advice.

If you are in, say 3rd or 4th position then yes, I can work to move this even higher.

What's the process for getting started?

Very simple. Contact me and let’s talk. If we do agree to work together – and not every client is a good fit (this works both ways too of course) then I’ll need access to tools such as Google Search Console, Google Analytics and a log in (if possible) to the back end of your website.

For bigger sites, an introduction to your developers is needed too. All of this doesn’t take too long and I don’t charge for this onboarding process. My reasonable rates start when the work starts in earnest.

A Reliable and Experienced Consultant

To wrap up, not every SEO Agency is the same, many claim to be experts but quite often they are using automated tools and not providing an in-depth analysis of your website and your direct competition.

I will work with your marketing teams to improve your search ranking, define your target audiences, and get your website in front of more potential customers. This helps to move your site up the search engine rankings and deliver a greater return on investment. If you need a primer on all things related to SEO, take a look at my 26 brief A-Z posts which I update often.

I am based in Winchester UK and have been working on all things Search Marketing for over 10 years.

For a more professional service, get in touch today.

Talk to me about SEO

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